Friday, February 10, 2012

Its been awhile folks......not much happening that is fun and interesting round here.  i havent really had much time to even think lately.  i will tell you that wyatt has just recently decided to change my name from mommy to don won.  idk where he got that from.  but to be honest mommy was getting used a bit much so he knew i needed a change.  we have been working real hard on wyatts attitude. this is difficult because he just cant seem to get it thru his thick head, that listening and doing what he is told will be easier in the end, than spending the majority of the day in his room or in the time out chair. so with this in mind, when he does something and i get in "spirit" he looks at me and screams "why are you so angry?"or occasionally "what is your problem?" and then says in a calm voice "what am i gonna do with you?"  oh lord where does he get this from. certainly not me.  lol.  ok im with him 24/7, where else would he have gotten this from.  anyways, his new goal is a new big boy bed and a tv for his room.  every night when im tucking him in he asks "MOM! Am i working hard on my new tv and big boy bed?" (not that he really has to work for a big bed and no more toddler bed, but hey if that gives him insperation, im taking it).  every night i tell him he is working very hard.  and he really is working hard, but we have more bad days than good at this point, BUT atleast he is trying. Austyn is really getting into dinosaurs.  a kid in his class is teaching him all sorts of stuff about dinosaurs.  i was able to get my hands on a few national geographics and some world maps.  i have never seen that kid so excited.  he is gonna make me one proud momma.  well like i said, kinda been boring and busy round here.  hope to find some new adventures here pretty soon.  i dont like boring.