Thursday, January 19, 2012

Things I ponder!!!!

I had this thought after carefully choosing where to pull in at sonic. What is the thought process in choosing a parking spot? Being in a lot or drive in or parking garage. So as I'm waiting on my drink, I thought of the factors that go through my head. Now this is strictly my process of where I park. Let's start with sonic. I never pull into any in the row u come in at. Its to hard to back out cuz someone's always pulling in. Only exception is here in Hennessey, as their lot is way different. Ok now which one to pull into. Well my rule of thumb is this: way hot or way cold seek the one farthest away from the carhop exit door. They like the exercise and warmth in the winter. If they r in skates (this u have to really investigate) always go to the third row (if applicable) so they have to juggle the tray and hop the curb. Now even as I put this in writing I'm still not positive why we choose the parking spots and where. Now to lots or garages. Garages r easy. Depending on where the elevator or door is, u find the nearest open space. Parking garages are creepy and I stay away from them. Plus no matter how small ur car is, going up the ramps always scares me cuz they get pretty darn short. Ok I will drive around waitin and hoping for a front door spot all day. Now if I can't get one I shoot for the one right beside the cart exchange. For one there is always a trash can to unload ur car into. For two I have kids and I'm
Not about to walk two miles down the isle just to return the cart. And I could kill the people who just leave theirs wherever to attack my car when I'm not looking. Another big factor is the car next to me. If all ur windows r broken out and ur door handles are pliers, I shall leave that one for the next sap. Not gonna chance that one. I almost always try to park in the expectant mother or hybrid/smart car parking (yes they have these) just cuz I could be pregnant and just not know it and I think my car is pretty smart. It tells me how fast I'm going and always knows what song is on the radio. So it deserves to park there.

Well now that we have pondered all that I can't remember the other thing that makes me go hmmmmmmm. So why do u park where u park. And think about it, what makes u pull into the exact spot u do. How does ur brain choose it.

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