Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Ninja attack

Our day was very busy, an tomorrow isn't gonna be any better. A few months ago Wyatt was involved in an auto accident, while he was with my good friend, Ralyn. The accident was very scary for him and until this morning I hadn't realized how traumatic it was for him. Every morning Wyatt and I discuss the plans for the day over coffee. Yes he drinks my coffee with me. I told him that he was gonna go to nana's while I went to the doctor. Then we were gonna take Ralyn to the city to get her new truck. Now if I could have gotten a picture of his face it would have topped this blog off, but I was trying not to laugh. So I'm gonna try to give u a really clear idea of what it looked like. Ok imagine the little monkey/lemur guy on madagascar. The one with really big eyes and is really cute. Yeah him. Now add these words " are u gonna drive mommy?". He was genuinely concerned about being in a vehicle with her. He had to verify in every way possible that he would not be in a car with her driving. And only after he was sure that I would be driving did he give me the "ok" for the days plans. So on with the day we went. After my doctor appt I picked him up at my moms only to find out he ate her out of house and home. This is normal. He is a bottomless pit.
Off to the city we go. After dropping Ralyn off at her new truck, which is very pretty, we headed home. Just me and my partner in crime. Now here's where it gets good. First, he somehow gets my purse and dumps its contents in the back seat, then proceeds to play and wad and open anything he can. He stole all my coins and rearranged my credit cards. He puts on half a tube of lipstick and gave his nails a manicure. But best of all, when we stopped at a gas station to use the potty, I opened the back door and was attacked by ninja skilled tampons and panty liners. He had panty liners stuck to the window, door, his face, car seat, his feet. And every tampon opened and stuffed anywhere he could find they would fit. Now mind u, this is a very busy gas station and I wasn't the only one who witnessed his shenanigans. I was mortified, especially when one lonely panty liner set itself free upon the door opening. We finally made it home and of course I'm worn out but he is so ready to play with his brother. It's pb&j night and can u guess what Wyatt's excuse to not eat right away was. This is where the picture of him comes into play. His title for the night is "I'm a worker man and I have to ride my camel first" I told him I thought he looked like a surpa or shurpa. Not sure on spelling or definition. But the word matched what I would imagine a shurpa to look like. So now he says he is a shurpa riding a camel. The rest of my day and night has been really stressful but that is neither here nor there. The boys r just keeping me on my toes I guess. That's my day in a nutshell. Never a dull moment with my wywy. (don't call him that to his face or u will be next on his shit list).

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