Friday, February 10, 2012

Its been awhile folks......not much happening that is fun and interesting round here.  i havent really had much time to even think lately.  i will tell you that wyatt has just recently decided to change my name from mommy to don won.  idk where he got that from.  but to be honest mommy was getting used a bit much so he knew i needed a change.  we have been working real hard on wyatts attitude. this is difficult because he just cant seem to get it thru his thick head, that listening and doing what he is told will be easier in the end, than spending the majority of the day in his room or in the time out chair. so with this in mind, when he does something and i get in "spirit" he looks at me and screams "why are you so angry?"or occasionally "what is your problem?" and then says in a calm voice "what am i gonna do with you?"  oh lord where does he get this from. certainly not me.  lol.  ok im with him 24/7, where else would he have gotten this from.  anyways, his new goal is a new big boy bed and a tv for his room.  every night when im tucking him in he asks "MOM! Am i working hard on my new tv and big boy bed?" (not that he really has to work for a big bed and no more toddler bed, but hey if that gives him insperation, im taking it).  every night i tell him he is working very hard.  and he really is working hard, but we have more bad days than good at this point, BUT atleast he is trying. Austyn is really getting into dinosaurs.  a kid in his class is teaching him all sorts of stuff about dinosaurs.  i was able to get my hands on a few national geographics and some world maps.  i have never seen that kid so excited.  he is gonna make me one proud momma.  well like i said, kinda been boring and busy round here.  hope to find some new adventures here pretty soon.  i dont like boring. 

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Things I ponder!!!!

I had this thought after carefully choosing where to pull in at sonic. What is the thought process in choosing a parking spot? Being in a lot or drive in or parking garage. So as I'm waiting on my drink, I thought of the factors that go through my head. Now this is strictly my process of where I park. Let's start with sonic. I never pull into any in the row u come in at. Its to hard to back out cuz someone's always pulling in. Only exception is here in Hennessey, as their lot is way different. Ok now which one to pull into. Well my rule of thumb is this: way hot or way cold seek the one farthest away from the carhop exit door. They like the exercise and warmth in the winter. If they r in skates (this u have to really investigate) always go to the third row (if applicable) so they have to juggle the tray and hop the curb. Now even as I put this in writing I'm still not positive why we choose the parking spots and where. Now to lots or garages. Garages r easy. Depending on where the elevator or door is, u find the nearest open space. Parking garages are creepy and I stay away from them. Plus no matter how small ur car is, going up the ramps always scares me cuz they get pretty darn short. Ok I will drive around waitin and hoping for a front door spot all day. Now if I can't get one I shoot for the one right beside the cart exchange. For one there is always a trash can to unload ur car into. For two I have kids and I'm
Not about to walk two miles down the isle just to return the cart. And I could kill the people who just leave theirs wherever to attack my car when I'm not looking. Another big factor is the car next to me. If all ur windows r broken out and ur door handles are pliers, I shall leave that one for the next sap. Not gonna chance that one. I almost always try to park in the expectant mother or hybrid/smart car parking (yes they have these) just cuz I could be pregnant and just not know it and I think my car is pretty smart. It tells me how fast I'm going and always knows what song is on the radio. So it deserves to park there.

Well now that we have pondered all that I can't remember the other thing that makes me go hmmmmmmm. So why do u park where u park. And think about it, what makes u pull into the exact spot u do. How does ur brain choose it.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Ninja attack

Our day was very busy, an tomorrow isn't gonna be any better. A few months ago Wyatt was involved in an auto accident, while he was with my good friend, Ralyn. The accident was very scary for him and until this morning I hadn't realized how traumatic it was for him. Every morning Wyatt and I discuss the plans for the day over coffee. Yes he drinks my coffee with me. I told him that he was gonna go to nana's while I went to the doctor. Then we were gonna take Ralyn to the city to get her new truck. Now if I could have gotten a picture of his face it would have topped this blog off, but I was trying not to laugh. So I'm gonna try to give u a really clear idea of what it looked like. Ok imagine the little monkey/lemur guy on madagascar. The one with really big eyes and is really cute. Yeah him. Now add these words " are u gonna drive mommy?". He was genuinely concerned about being in a vehicle with her. He had to verify in every way possible that he would not be in a car with her driving. And only after he was sure that I would be driving did he give me the "ok" for the days plans. So on with the day we went. After my doctor appt I picked him up at my moms only to find out he ate her out of house and home. This is normal. He is a bottomless pit.
Off to the city we go. After dropping Ralyn off at her new truck, which is very pretty, we headed home. Just me and my partner in crime. Now here's where it gets good. First, he somehow gets my purse and dumps its contents in the back seat, then proceeds to play and wad and open anything he can. He stole all my coins and rearranged my credit cards. He puts on half a tube of lipstick and gave his nails a manicure. But best of all, when we stopped at a gas station to use the potty, I opened the back door and was attacked by ninja skilled tampons and panty liners. He had panty liners stuck to the window, door, his face, car seat, his feet. And every tampon opened and stuffed anywhere he could find they would fit. Now mind u, this is a very busy gas station and I wasn't the only one who witnessed his shenanigans. I was mortified, especially when one lonely panty liner set itself free upon the door opening. We finally made it home and of course I'm worn out but he is so ready to play with his brother. It's pb&j night and can u guess what Wyatt's excuse to not eat right away was. This is where the picture of him comes into play. His title for the night is "I'm a worker man and I have to ride my camel first" I told him I thought he looked like a surpa or shurpa. Not sure on spelling or definition. But the word matched what I would imagine a shurpa to look like. So now he says he is a shurpa riding a camel. The rest of my day and night has been really stressful but that is neither here nor there. The boys r just keeping me on my toes I guess. That's my day in a nutshell. Never a dull moment with my wywy. (don't call him that to his face or u will be next on his shit list).

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

The kid bomb....

Hmmmmm... My oldest. Austyn. The kid u could take anywhere. Until his brother came along. He was happy to be a big brother but didn't realize he was actually getting "a lil bother". This is really what he calls Wyatt. Austyn likes things done his way. He doesn't like his toys played with by anyone. New rule made by him~ knock to come in, but I don't want u in my room so don't even knock. This does not make brother happy at all. Austyn has my personality so we butt heads often. Now this kid has a vocabulary on him and when around the right people, he isn't afraid to use it. He isn't exactly sports inclined, yet, but still tries. I think he is gonna be my smart one. If u ever meet him just ask him what a triceratop is. And then ask why it's called that. He will answer " cause they TRY to be tough". I can't wait till he realizes he doesnt really know everything and admits mom is right about anything. Until then I will continue to smile and nod my head. (it's way easier that way).

Silence is my case it's painted on

Let me introduce u to my lil man. Mr Wyatt. One of the loves of my life. When I picked out his name I had full intentions of him living up to the name "quiet Wyatt". My intentions were agonizingly crushed shortly after arriving into my world. He is the complete opposite of his older brother. Most of my blogs, im sure, will be based around this blessing in my life. He is definitely my one and only partner in crime. th beginning

I'm starting this blog due to the overwhelming situations that my lil guys present me with on a day to day basis. My life is by far normal and extremely crazy as both my boys are, I swear from a different breed of human existence. Bare with me for the next couple of weeks until I can get a computer to assist me in my blogging adventures.